Thursday, December 12, 2019

15.Impact and Non-Impact printer

Impact and Non-Impact Printers are two categories of the printer. Impact printers
involve mechanical components for conducting printing. While in Non-Impact printers,
no mechanical moving component is used.

Impact Printers:
It is a type of printer that works by direct contact of an ink ribbon with paper. These
printers are typically loud but remain in use today because of their unique ability to
function with multi part forms. An impact printer has mechanisms resembling those of
a typewriter.
Example of Impact Printers, Dot-matrix printers, Daisy-wheel printers, and line printers.

Non-Impact Printers:
It is a type of printer that does not hit or impact a ribbon to print. They used laser,
xerographic, electrostatic, chemical and ink jet technologies. Non-impact printers are
generally much quieter. They are less likely to need maintenance or repairs than earlier
impact printers.
Example of Non-Impact Printers is Ink jet printers and Laser printers.

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